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Patient: Bobbie

Diagnosis: Triple By-pass Surgery
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Report created by: Cindy
Date: 12/11/2007 at 9:44 p.m.
Subject: Original Diagnosis

As most of you know by now, our Mom (Bobbie) was admitted to the hospital for triple bypass surgery on Wednesday, 12/12, 730am cst. The surgery will be about 4-6 hours.

Bobbie awoke on Sunday with a BIG pain in her chest. She says it felt like an elephant sitting on her chest. After much consternation and thought she dialed 911 and was taken to Maury Regional Hospital. She says she felt fine by then and the doctors ordered up tests. By Sunday night she expected they would need to add a stent and then she would be on her way by Tuesday.

Alas, she had tests on Monday morning that showed 3 blockages that would require more than stents...that would need by-pass surgery. I think she was more upset about not being able to go to Texas to Granddaughter Jennifer's graduation this weekend and Granddaughter Jessica's 21st birthday next week than she was about needing to have open-heart surgery. She is very disappointed but sends her love to them both.

Debbie (my sister), Dana and I are here with Bobbie; and all her other friends and family are near and very generous in their visits and well wishes. I think she knows or is related to 1/2 of Columbia.....

Mom's spirits are high (when have you ever not see them high?) and she is looking forward to getting the surgery and recovery over so she can get back to her very full and fun life.

Keep our Mom in your thoughts and prayers and we will post again tomorrow.

Sleep well, Mama...Love, Cin and Deb

Report created by: Cindy
Date: 12/12/2007 at 2:56 p.m.
Subject: Flying Colors

Yea.....Mom came through surgery with flying colors. They did in fact do the triple by-pass, but it only took a little over 3.5 hours once they started the surgery this morning. So, she is resting comfortably.

Deb and I went in to see her in the recovery unit....she is still out..out...they anticipate her being under for 4-6 more hours since she was through surgery so quickly.

Mom's sister Annie drove through the night to get to Tennessess from Columbus, Mississippi. Although they got lost and didn't see her prior to surgery...Annie saw Mom at 2pm (still out) so she can be on her way back to Mississippi. Annie is a nurse and they are short-handed so she needed to get back to work for Thursday.

We hope our Mom will be awake this evening and Deb and I will get to visit her...they hope to take her off the ventilator...so she can begin to breath on her own.

The waiting room was full of Mom's family and friends...all interested, loving and very generous with their time. Thank you for your interest, your time and most of all your love.

Will keep posting and letting everyone know how Bobbie is progressing.

Reporting Live from the Syberia Internet Cafe in Columbia, TN...
cin and deb

Report created by: Cindy
Date: 12/12/2007 at 6:04 p.m.
Subject: Bobbie's Awake.....

Well kindof awake....Mom woke up from her deep slumber tonight at about 4:50pm....when asked to move her feet, she did a happy dance...so they deemed her awake enough to take out the ventalator...she is breathing on her own and in and out....Deb and I were with her from 5-5:30 and she knew we were there...she spoke with us for a minute here and there....very aware..but in pain. We asked for more pain medication and they gave her morphine to rest but not knock her out....

The nurse explained that if they knocked her out they would need to put the ventalator back in...she vigorously shook her head and said nooooooo.....

As you can see, she is making her own decisions. LOL...Can't keep a good woman down....

We can go back to see her again tonight from 830-9 00 and will post her status again.

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers...they are clearly working!!!

Signing off from Maury Regional Hospital in Columbia, TN....

Report created by: Cindy
Date: 12/12/2007 at 10:11 p.m.
Subject: Awake and Alert

Mom is very alert this evening...Deb and I visited Mom for about an hour tonight and she was lucid, alert and asking all about the day. She doesn't remember anything since she was wheeled out at about 730am this morning....

After catching her up on everything...she was happy, engaged, asking questions and so excited about her progress that we decided we should leave to let her sleep and rest....

Her spirits are so good and her recovery is well on the way....thank you all for your cards, notes, calls and well wishes....she is so happy to hear from everyone.

We all are going to sleep better tonight....

Reporting Live from Bobbie's Place in Columbia, TN.... cin and deb

P.S. Since I have only input the email addresses I know...feel free to send the email link, and access to anyone you think would want to check Mom's progress. She was clear with us that she was happy for anyone that wanted an update to have the information. Bobbie sends her love to everyone and through us wanted us to thank you.

We'll see her again tomorrow at 10am and will give you futher update then........good night, all.

Report created by: Cindy
Date: 12/13/2007 at 11:49 a.m.
Subject: Mom's Doing Great

Wow....our Mom is doing great.....she was sitting up having jello and coffee this morning when we arrived to see her. Many of the tubes have been removed and she is healing so quickly...she may need to have decaf as her energey is very high already....LOL.

Once she doesn't need all the IV medicine and monitoring she will be moved to a regular hospital room...hope to be by this weekend.

She is asking about everyone and we are telling her about each of you that have been sending well wishes and asking about her status. She asked why she didn't have a phone in her room and then said "well, I can just use my cell"....we let her know there were no phones in ICU....

Bobbie's spirits are good and she can't wait to be out of there....she is an ideal patient now but I can see a time coming where she won't want to rest although she will need to.....we will keep posting to let you all know how Bobbie is doing and when she will begin accepting visitors again.

Cards are already arriving and she is happy to receive them....here is the hospital address:
Barbara Henson
Maury Regional Hospital
1224 Trotwood Ave.
Columbia, TN 38401

Reporting Live from Bobbie's Place in Columbia, TN
cin and deb

Report created by: Cindy
Date: 12/14/2007 at 1:48 p.m.
Subject: Mom is an Over Achiever

Well, Bobbie is such an over achiever....they took out all her tubes, IVs, etc. this morning...a mere 42 hours after surgery...amazing...she is doing so well they are ready to move her to stepdown (an intermediate CCU) today, if a bed becomes available. Then she is just one step away from her own room and then the next step is discharge and home....I can't believe how well she looks and feels. She is so healthy with no other complications that her healing is very fast.

The Dr's, nurses and staff are excellent....they clearly have great knowledge and practices but they are also very personable with a great bedside manner. All things are in Mom's favor.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers this week...they have worked so well.

Deb and Dana flew out this morning.....Deb back to Dallas for Jennifer's graduation and Jessica's 21st birthday...BIG week. Dana back to Napa and trying to pick up where she abruptly left off doing the City's Business on Monday.

I'll be here until Mom is settled in with round the clock after care.

I will keep posting and those of you that are local will be able to begin visiting soon. I will let you all know when.

Reporting Live from Maury Regional Hospital (on my new 8830 blackberry / braodband modem), Cin

Report created by: Cindy
Date: 12/14/2007 at 5:54 p.m.
Subject: In Room 159

Well, Mom walked from the Cardiac Care Unit all the way to room 159......she walked down a hall, into the elevator, and ALL the way down to the other end of the hospital...pushing an empty wheel chair...The nurse kept saying, if you are too tired, you can sit in the chair and I'll push you....she said no, I'm alright....she arrived to her palatial estate about 3pm..

She then sat in her chair for about 1.5 hours and just laid down for a nap...then dinner tonight. She is happy to have phone calls (there is a phone in her room - no cell) 931-381-1111 room 159. I suspect she will be asleep by 9pm tonight.

Beginning Saturday, she can have visitors for short visits...she is looking forward to hearing from people and seeing people....BZBee you know?

She is doing so well in fact, she may be able to go home early next week...stay tuned.

All the Best and Good Night from Murray Regional Hospital in Columbia, TN, cin

Report created by: Cindy
Date: 12/15/2007 at 11:28 p.m.
Subject: Walking / Parade of Visitors

Mom is doing so great today. She walked three times, is regaining her appetite and is receiving visitors......she is so inspired by those that visit, call and send cards. About 10 people visited today and brought several gifts and cards. Her room is looking very decorative!

She is actually an inspiration as she has had a great attitude the entire time. Other than not getting to go to Texas this week, she has been very optimistic about everything. She is quite lucky to have called 911 or her heart would have stopped some time soon with 3 major blockages.

Apparently when you have full occlusions (sp?) and a blood clot, they can not put in stents so instead must do buy-pass surgery. Her energy is pretty good but the pain is beginning in her chest now...I suspect from the activity and the anesthesia finally wearing off. Mom has a high pain threshold and never takes medicine....so she is working at getting accustomed to taking pain meds, when she needs them.

We've not yet talked about when she will come home; will post that information when it becomes available, so those that live nearby can visit.

Several people have asked for her home address so they may send cards:

Bobbie Henson
225 Overlook Pl.
Columbia, TN 38401

Again, feel free to send this account access information to any of Mom's friends that are interested in her condition.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.

Reporting Live from Bobbie's Place - Cin

P.S. Jennifer graduated from Northern Texas University tonight!!!!!

Report created by: Cindy
Date: 12/16/2007 at 9:55 p.m.
Subject: Relaxing Day

What an interesting week! It was one week ago today that Mom was awakened with a pain in her chest....at this point she has had tests, triple by-pass surgery and begun her recovery....time has slowed down on the one hand but so much has happened in the last week that it seems like it has been about a month. Time is so fascinating..........

Mom did very well today...she walked three times, rested and napped and is starting to eat a bit.

She may be able to go home tomorrow..if her oxygen levels are good. They took the oxygen off this morning and then she was quite winded after walking..so she has it back on for now.

There were about 8-10 visitors and numerous phone calls. Bobbie is sure enjoying hearing from people...feel free to phone or visit her while in the hospital.

I will let you all know when she comes home.

Reporting Love from Bobbie's Place....cin

Report created by: Cindy
Date: 12/17/2007 at 4:43 p.m.
Subject: Bobbie has been Sprung!!

Mom was doing so well she got to come home today. She is resting and very happy to be in her own surroundings. We just loaded up with groceries and are ready for the winter. It has warmed up to 38 degrees today and is very sunny.

Mom has several follow-up dr appointments over the next several weeks but will be recovering at home until her Cardiac Rehab starts in 5 weeks....We have set up people to come stay with her over the next two weeks to keep her company and make sure she has everything she needs.

If you are nearby, feel free to come by and visit...if you are afar Mom's phone number is 931-381-4655 or her home address is

Bobbie Henson
225 Overlook Pl.
Columbia, TN 38401

Thank you to everyone that kept Bobbie and our family in your thoughts and prayers. They paid off and she is doing very well.....Dr. Kim told her she is a star! As you can imagine, everyone in the hospital thought she was a great patient and really enjoyed taking care of her.

I don't anticipate any more updates unless things change. Happy Holidays and we hope for a wonderful and healthy New Year to you all.

Signing off from Bobbie's Place,

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